Q.1. “International Law is a Law regulating the rights and duties
of states and creating no rights and imposing no duties on
individuals”. Do u agree with this statement? Why or why not? Argue.
Q.2. Discuss the liability of the following:
a) The ambassador of the Republic of Brondasia in Islamabad murders a Pakistani out of sudden provocation.
b) The wife of the Brondasian ambassador bought cosmetics worth
Rs.1000,000 from a local departmental store, refused to pay and went
away to her embassy.
c) A Pakistani friend of the Brondasian ambassador has murdered a Brondasian employee of the embassy.
Q.3. Describe the functions of a Prize Court. What law does it administer?
Q.4. What is the duty of other states in case of internal revolt
in an independent state? Can they help the rebels? Under what
circumstances recognition may be accorded to the rebels?
Q.5. Discuss the extent to which a state can claim jurisdiction
over the high seas in war and peace. Is an appropriation by a state of
the underwater soil allowed in International Law?
Q.6. A Pakistani citizen working in the embassy of a foreign
country in Islamabad, has committed an offence against another Pakistani
citizen. The Pakistani police want to arrest such person. However, the
ambassador is refusing to handover the accused to the police with the
plea that the accused has a diplomatic immunity. Do you agree with the
pleas of the ambassador? Why or why not?
Q.7. “Whatever the morality of intervention, states have no right
under International Law to intervene on the territory of other states
in order to prevent alleged crimes against humanity or to uphold human
rights norms.” Discuss.
Q.8. (1) principal of “double criminality” means that:
(a) the person who is being extradited must be tried in both the states
(b) the person who is being extradited must be tried in both the states but may be punished in one
(c) that the offence for which a person is extradited must be an offence in both the states
(d) none of these
(2) principal of “specialty” means that:
(a) the person extradited must be awarded special punishment by the requesting state
(b) the person extradited must not be awarded special punishment by the requesting state
(c) the person extradited must be punished only for the offence for which he has been extradited
(d) none of these
(3) features of international law include all except which of the following:
(a) there is no single legislative source of international law
(b) there is no single world court for interpreting international law
(c) there is no world executive branch that can enforce international laws
(d) none of these
(4)which of the following is not a source of international law?
(a) treaties and conventions
(b) custom
(c) judicial decisions and teachings
(d) none of these
(5)the United Nations is governed by all except which of the following?
(a) the general assembly
(b) the security council
(c) the secretariat
(d) none of these
(6)the group of European countries created to promote peace, security, economic and social unity is called the:
(a) European market
(b) European union
(c) European coalition
(d) None of these
(7)GATT is a multilateral treaty that:
(a) restricts trade among non-member countries
(b) imposes multiple trade barriers among its member nations
(c) establishes trade agreements and limited tariffs and trade restrictions
(d) None of these
Sunday, 28 July 2013
Federal Public Service Commission Exams 2006
General Knowledge, Paper -1
Every Day Science
Time alowed 3 hrs Max.Marks 100
Note: (I) Attempt ONLY TEN questions. All questions carry equal marks.General Knowledge, Paper -1
Every Day Science
Time alowed 3 hrs Max.Marks 100
(ii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the question will not be considered.
(iii) Draw diagrams where necessary and write clearly.
Q.1. Write short notes on only TWO of the following: (5 each)
(a) Magnetic Resonance Imaging
(b) Tidal Energy
(c) Supersonics
Q.2. What is Pollen Allergy? What preventive measures are to be taken to avoid it? (4, 6)
Q.3 Name. (1 each)
1) The alloy consisting of metals copper, zinc and nickel.
2) The instrument specially designed for recording earthquake waves,
3) The electrical device which converts sound energy into electrical energy.
4) The ore of mercury metal.
5) The device with which variation of blood flow can be heard.
6) The element, which is abundantly present in the human body.
7) The scientist who discovered penicillin.
8) The astronaut who first landed on the surface of the moon.
9) The desert mammal, which does not drink water.
10) The mode of heat transfer from the sun to the earth.
Q.4. Write briefly (not more than four to five sentences) about only FIVE of the following: (2 each)
(a) Plaster of Paris
(b) Theodolite
(c) Bird Flu
(d) Gene
(e) Thermistor
(f) Thermostat
(g) Pedometer
Q.5. Which physical quantities are measured by the following units? (1 each)
(a) Foot-Pound
(b) Torr
(c) Slug
(d) Guass
(e) Acre Foot
(f) Becquerel
(g) Erg
(h) Dyne
(i) Gilbert
(j) Dioptre
Q.6. What is the difference between Dam and Barrage? What benefits are obtained by constructing a big dam? (2, 8)
Q.7. Which of the following statements are True and which are False: (1 each)
1) Pitch of the dog sound is greater than the pitch of the cat sound.
2) Ultraviolet light is visible but infrared light is not visible.
3) Earthquakes are the lamps illuminating the structure of the earth’s exterior.
4) Electricity does not move through the wire but through a field around the wire.
5) A guava contains more vitamin C than an orange.
6) Sound travels faster in iron than in air.
7) Wheat Bridge is the name of an electrical circuit.
8) Morphine can cause constipation and lowering of blood pressure.
9) A concave lens is used for the correction of the Hyperphobia.
10) The nucleic acids are responsible for proteins synthesis in the human body.
Q.8. Differentiate between the following pairs: (2 each)
(a) Telemeter and Multimeter
(b) Perimeter and Altimeter
(c) Periscope and Microscope
(d) Nucleon and Photon
(e) Cusec and Comet
Q.9. Fill in the blanks: (1 each)
1) The branch of zoology, which deals with the study of insects is called __________
2) The disease _________is caused by the deficiency of Vitamin B1 (Thiamine).
3) Oil rises in a wick of oil lamp because of a property of matter, called ________
4) The production of generally identical reproduction is called as ________
5) ___________ is the fastest planet of the solar system.
6) Mercury metal is _________ times heavier than water.
7) Relative density of milk is measured by an instrument known as __________
8) The temperature of a human body is measured by an instrument known as _________
9) Gold and silver are known as _________ metals.
10) The amount of ozone in the atmosphere is expressed in __________.
Q.10. What is global warming? Is there a sunny side to global warming? If yes, explain. (4, 6)
Q.11. Give scientific reasons of the following: (2 each)
a) Why do some people snore?
b) Why do we sometimes sleep walk?
c) Climber bends forward while climbing a mountain.
d) The manhole covers are generally round.
e) Roads are bent inwards on curves.
Q.12. What are vitamins and minerals? Which vitamins and minerals play major role in the development of bones? (4, 6)
Q.13. what do the following scientific abbreviations stand for? (1 each)
(1) CRO
(2) SARS
(3) BOT
(4) AMU
(5) EMF
(6) ADH
(7) STP
(8) GeV
(9) NTP
(10) CRT
Q.14. Compare the columns A and B and write the correct answer from the column B corresponding to the column A (serial wise) in column C. (1 each)
Column A Column B Column C
(1) Geiger Muller Counter Semi Conductor (1)
(2) Newton Magnet (2)
(3) Addison Electricity (3)
(4) Bardeen and Brattin Radioactivity (4)
(5) Weber Fehner’s Law E.M Induction (5)
(6) Benjamin Franklin Lightening Conductor (6)
(7) Decibel Gravitation (7)
(8) Dr. Gilbert Water (8)
(9) Henry Cavendish Sound (9)
(10) Faraday Non-conductor (10)
Q.15. Choose the best choice in the following statements:
1) One of the countries through which equator passes is:
(a) Kenya
(b) Malaysia
(c) Malta
(d) Pakistan
2) Copper can be converted into gold by:
(a) Artificial radioactivity (b) heating (c) Electroplating (d) Chemical reaction
3) The three elements needed for healthy growth of plants are:
(a) N, P, K
(b) N, C, P
(c) N, K,
(d) N, S, P
4) Clocks, which moves with the velocities compareable with the velocity of light, run:
(a) fast
(b) slow
(c) equal to the velocity of light
(d) with zero velocity
5) Max Planck received the noble prize in Physics in 1918 for his discovery of:
(a) electron
(b) energy quanta
(c) photon
(d) positron
6) Bronze medal is made up of metals:
(a) (copper,nickel)
(b) (copper, tin)
(c) (copper, silver)
(d) (copper, zinc)
7) Addison’s disease is caused by the excessive secretion of:
(a) Antiduretic Harmone
(b) Luteinising Harmone
(c) Melanophore stimulating Harmone
(d) Adrenocorticotrophic Harmone
8) Development of calf muscles in ladies who wear high heels is a common example of:
(a) Natural Selection
(b) inheritance of acquired character
(c) Use and disuse of organ
(d) Artificial selection
9) Margalla Hill is a branch of:
(a) Karakorum range
(b) Hindukash range
(c) Himalaya range
(d) Nanga Parbat range
10) Humming bird belongs to a category called:
(a) Ectotherm
(b) Endotherm
(c) Exotherm
(d) Heterotherm.
(PART-II)…………2 Hours & 30 Minutes……..MAXIMUM MARKS:80
NOTE: First attempt Part-I (MCQ) on separate Answer Sheet which shall be taken back after 30 Minutes.
Q.1 Select the best option/Answer and fill in the appropriate Box on the Answer Sheet. (20)
1. From 1858 upto about 1870 nearly all British Politicians, authors blamed the Muslims for:
a. Disloyalty
b. Independence
c. Leadership
d. None of these
2. Indo-Muslim culture in details is overwhelmingly:
a. Central Asian
b. Arabian
c. Iranian
d. None of these
3. “The Millat and Menace of Indianism” is written by:
a. Muhammad Ali
b. Ch. Rehmat Ali
c. Shaukat Ali
d. None of these
4. Indian Khilafat Deputation visited England to put their views before LIyod George in:
a. 1940
b. 1930
c. 1920
d. None of these
5. The Lucknow Pact was conceived by:
a. Lord Chemsford
b. John Simon
c. Edward Cadogan
d. None of these
6. Sir Sikandar Hayat Khan was leader of:
a. Muslim League
b. Unionist Party
c. Congress
d. None of these
7. In 1917 Kheiri Brothers suggested a plan of partition of India in conference of the Socialist International held in:
a. London
b. Oslo
c. Stockholm
d. None of these
8. In 1928 Agha Khan III advocated independence of each province at the meeting of All parties convention in:
a. Patna
b. Hyderabad
c. Calcutta
d. None of these
9. Founder of Pakistan M.A. Jinnah declared unequivocally that “it is impossible to work a democratic parliamentary government in India” in press interview given to:
a. The Hindustan Times
b. Manchester Guardian
c. The Financial Times
d. None of these
10. Kazi Saeed-ud-Din Ahmad, an Aligarh geographer clearly demarcated areas to substantiate the two nation theory were in all:
a. Four
b. Six
c. Eight
d. None of these
11. On 7th August, Muhammad Ali Jinnah left India for the last time and flew to:
a. Quetta
b. Lahore
c. Karachi
d. None of these
12. Junagadh was a small maritime sate and had an area of:
a. 4500 Sq Km
b. 9000 Sq Km
c. 10000 Sq Km
d. None of these
13. Tethys’s deposits finally turned to be:
a. Western Ghats
b. Himalayas
c. Karakoram
d. None of these
14. The Salt Range lies in the large accumulation of pure salt at Khewra and:
a. Attock
b. Jhelum
c. Kalabagh
d. None of these
15. Land holdings in Pakistan are characterized by:
a. Huge farms
b. Very big farms
c. Large farms
d. None of these
16. The Pakistan Forest Institute, a national organization was established in:
a. 1957
b. 1947
d. None of these
17. Relics of stone tools found in caves and terraces that date back to Pleistocene period have been discovered in:
a. Sind
b. Punjab
c. Balochistan
d. None of these
18. National Highway Authority receipts to the tune of 1850 million rupees have been reported by May:
a. 2002
b. 2003
c. 2004
d. None of these
19. Recent earthquake of October, 2005 was result of:
a. Volcanic activity
b. Tectonic dislocation
c. Severe flooding
d. None of these
20. Pakistan foreign policy is the safe-guarding of its sovereignty, security and:
a. International Relations
b. External Trade
c. Territorial integrity
d. None of these
(i) Part-II is to be attempted on the separate Answer Book.
(ii) Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. All questions carry equal marks.
(iii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered.
Q2. Describe the most notable feature of Muslims in India in the light of their monothestic religion and egalitarian social structure.
Q3. Discuss the role of Muslim Majority provinces in the establishment of Pakistan.
Q4. Assess the account for the problems which Quaid-e-Azam had to face as Governer General of Pakistan
Q5. Highlight the various characteristics of Pakistani culture. bring out the importance of customs and traditions in the society.
Q6. Summarize the government measures to improve the agricultural productivity in the light of introducing new irrigation projects
Q7. Describe the distribution of Iron and Steel industry of Pakistan. Evaluate its role in the industrial development of the country
Q8. Political map of Pakistan is the outcome of its geo-strategic location. Give a reasoned account for the statement.
(PART-II)…………2 Hours & 30 Minutes……..MAXIMUM MARKS:80
NOTE: First attempt Part-I (MCQ) on separate Answer Sheet which shall be taken back after 30 Minutes.
Q.1 Select the best option/Answer and fill in the appropriate Box on the Answer Sheet. (20)
1. From 1858 upto about 1870 nearly all British Politicians, authors blamed the Muslims for:
a. Disloyalty
b. Independence
c. Leadership
d. None of these
2. Indo-Muslim culture in details is overwhelmingly:
a. Central Asian
b. Arabian
c. Iranian
d. None of these
3. “The Millat and Menace of Indianism” is written by:
a. Muhammad Ali
b. Ch. Rehmat Ali
c. Shaukat Ali
d. None of these
4. Indian Khilafat Deputation visited England to put their views before LIyod George in:
a. 1940
b. 1930
c. 1920
d. None of these
5. The Lucknow Pact was conceived by:
a. Lord Chemsford
b. John Simon
c. Edward Cadogan
d. None of these
6. Sir Sikandar Hayat Khan was leader of:
a. Muslim League
b. Unionist Party
c. Congress
d. None of these
7. In 1917 Kheiri Brothers suggested a plan of partition of India in conference of the Socialist International held in:
a. London
b. Oslo
c. Stockholm
d. None of these
8. In 1928 Agha Khan III advocated independence of each province at the meeting of All parties convention in:
a. Patna
b. Hyderabad
c. Calcutta
d. None of these
9. Founder of Pakistan M.A. Jinnah declared unequivocally that “it is impossible to work a democratic parliamentary government in India” in press interview given to:
a. The Hindustan Times
b. Manchester Guardian
c. The Financial Times
d. None of these
10. Kazi Saeed-ud-Din Ahmad, an Aligarh geographer clearly demarcated areas to substantiate the two nation theory were in all:
a. Four
b. Six
c. Eight
d. None of these
11. On 7th August, Muhammad Ali Jinnah left India for the last time and flew to:
a. Quetta
b. Lahore
c. Karachi
d. None of these
12. Junagadh was a small maritime sate and had an area of:
a. 4500 Sq Km
b. 9000 Sq Km
c. 10000 Sq Km
d. None of these
13. Tethys’s deposits finally turned to be:
a. Western Ghats
b. Himalayas
c. Karakoram
d. None of these
14. The Salt Range lies in the large accumulation of pure salt at Khewra and:
a. Attock
b. Jhelum
c. Kalabagh
d. None of these
15. Land holdings in Pakistan are characterized by:
a. Huge farms
b. Very big farms
c. Large farms
d. None of these
16. The Pakistan Forest Institute, a national organization was established in:
a. 1957
b. 1947
d. None of these
17. Relics of stone tools found in caves and terraces that date back to Pleistocene period have been discovered in:
a. Sind
b. Punjab
c. Balochistan
d. None of these
18. National Highway Authority receipts to the tune of 1850 million rupees have been reported by May:
a. 2002
b. 2003
c. 2004
d. None of these
19. Recent earthquake of October, 2005 was result of:
a. Volcanic activity
b. Tectonic dislocation
c. Severe flooding
d. None of these
20. Pakistan foreign policy is the safe-guarding of its sovereignty, security and:
a. International Relations
b. External Trade
c. Territorial integrity
d. None of these
(i) Part-II is to be attempted on the separate Answer Book.
(ii) Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. All questions carry equal marks.
(iii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered.
Q2. Describe the most notable feature of Muslims in India in the light of their monothestic religion and egalitarian social structure.
Q3. Discuss the role of Muslim Majority provinces in the establishment of Pakistan.
Q4. Assess the account for the problems which Quaid-e-Azam had to face as Governer General of Pakistan
Q5. Highlight the various characteristics of Pakistani culture. bring out the importance of customs and traditions in the society.
Q6. Summarize the government measures to improve the agricultural productivity in the light of introducing new irrigation projects
Q7. Describe the distribution of Iron and Steel industry of Pakistan. Evaluate its role in the industrial development of the country
Q8. Political map of Pakistan is the outcome of its geo-strategic location. Give a reasoned account for the statement.
Subjective Paper
Q2. Describe the most notable feature of Muslims in India in the light of their monothestic religion and egalitarian social structure.
Q3. Discuss the role of Muslim Majority provinces in the establishment of Pakistan.
Q4. Assess the account for the problems which Quaid-e-Azam had to face as Governer General of Pakistan
Q5. Highlight the various characteristics of Pakistani culture. bring out the importance of customs and traditions in the society.
Q6. Summarize the government measures to improve the agricultural productivity in the light of introducing new irrigation projects
Q7. Describe the distribution of Iron and Steel industry of Pakistan. Evaluate its role in the industrial development of the country
Q8. Political map of Pakistan is the outcome of its geo-strategic location. Give a reasoned account for the statement.
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