Sunday, 12 May 2013

CSS Exam Pakistan EDS Notes : Universe, Galaxy and Solar System

Universe, Galaxy and Solar System


  • The totality of everything that exists or is known to exist is called universe.
  • It includes all matter and energy, stars, planets and galaxies and contents of intergalactic space.
  • The branch of science that deals with the study of universe is called cosmology.

Origin of Universe Theories:

1. Bigbang Theory:

According to this theory, the universe came into existence 15 to 20 billion years ago when a cataclysmic explosion took place.

2. The 3K Microwave background theory:

This theory supported bingbang theory and stated that the echo of that explosion can still be heard in the form of microwave radio signal from radiation.

Future of Universe Theories:

1. Open Universe Theory:

The universe will keep expanding.

2. Close Universe Theory:

The universe will shrink and close.

3. The cycle Theory:

The universe will expand and close.

4. Steady state Theory:

The universe will always exist.


  • Galaxy is the fundamental unit of universe.
  • A system of starts and planets together with the intergalactic space and dust held together with the gravitational attraction.
  • There are billions of galaxies in the universe. Some of them have only a few millions stars while others have as many as 400 billion stars or even more.
  •  There are three kinds of galaxies. Spiral, Elleptical and Irregular.  The only difference is their shape.

  • Our galaxy is called milky way.
  • Milky way is a spiral galaxy.
  • The region in space occupied by the spiral galaxy is called galactic plane.
  • The sun is not present at the centre of our galaxy.
  • The arms of spiral galaxy are called galactic arms.
  • The sun revolves around the nucleus of the milky way galaxy once in 225 to 250 million years. This duration is called cosmic year or galactic year.
  • The nearest spiral galaxy to milky way galaxy is Andromeda galaxy.

  • Solar system is a tiny part of the universe.
  • It includes the sun and all other objects that travel around it.
  • It includes earth and 7 to 8 other planets together will satellites that travel around most of them.
  • It further includes asteroids, meteoroids, comets and interplanatery dust and interplanatery plasma.
Planets of our solar system

  • Mercury
  • Venus
  • Earth
  • Mars
  • Jupiter
  • Satrun
  • Uranus
  • Naptune
  • Platu 

  • Mercury is the 2nd smallest planet.
  • Mercury is nearest to the Sun
  • Its mean distance from the sun is 0.837 AU.
  • Its diameter is 4,880 kilo meter.
  • Mercury takes 88 earth days to complete one revolution round the sun.
  • Mercury has holes called crackers
  • Mercury has no moon
  • Mercury has no atmosphere
  • Mercury is of the same size as our moon.


  1. Plz update more material regarding general science and ability preparation for cSS

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