1. Introduction
- Nature of Science;
- Brief History of Science with special reference to contribution of Muslims in the evolution and development of science:
- Impact of science on society.
2. The Physical Sciences
(a) Constituents and Structure: "Universe, Galaxy. Solar system, Sun, Earth. Minerals;
(b) Processes of Nature -Solar and Lunar Eclipses Day and Night and their variation:
(c) Energy :- sources and resources of Energy Energy conservation
(i) Ceramics, Plastics. Semiconductors
(ii) Radio. Television, Telephones. Camera. Laser. Microscope.
(iii) Computers, Satellites;
(iv) Antibiotics, Vaccines, Fertilizers, Pesticides,
3. Biological Sciences
- The basis of life - the cell, chromosomes, genes, nucleic acids.
- The building blocks - Proteins. Harmones and other nutrients Concept of balanced diet. Metabolism.
- Survey of Plant and Animal Kingdom - a brief survey of
plant and animal kingdom to pinpoint similarities and diversities in
- The Human body - a brief account of human Physiology, Human behaviour.
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