Tuesday, 27 August 2013






1. William 3 and Mary ascended to the throne in:
a) Feb, 1688 b) Feb 1788
c) Feb, 1889 d) None of these

2. The book “England under the Stuarts” has been written by:
c) WINSTON CHURCHILL d) None of these

3. The United Kingdom of Great Britain came into existence on:
a) 1 march 1707 b) 1 may 1707
c) 1 sept, 1707 d) None of these

4. George 1 remained on the throne from:
a) 1714-27 b) 1727-60
c) 1760-83 d) None of these

5. The 7yr war (1756-63) was fought in
a) Europe, Africa and Far East
b) North America, Australia and Europe
c) Europe, America and India
d) None of these

6. The Book “Constitutional history of Modern Britain” has been written by:
a) Winston Churchill b) Stanley Lane Poole
c) V.A Smith d) None of these

7. The founder of theory of English Conservatism was:
a) Edmund Burke b) Robert Walpole
c) Pitt, the Younger d) None of these

8. The book “England and French Revolution” was written by:
a) Dickens b) Keats
c) Brown d) None of these

9. In 1800, England’s Union took place with:
a) Scotland b) Ireland
c) Wales d) None of these

10. The supreme organizer of Methodist Movement was:
a) John Wesley b) Pitt, the Elder
c) Napoleon Bonaparte d) None of these

11. Sir Robert Western produced the Book titled:
a) Discourse on revolution b) Discourse on War
c) Discourse on Husbandry d) None of these

12. The Power Loom was invented by:
a) Edmund Cartwright b) John Kay
c) George Stephenson d) None of these

13. George 4 married Queen
a) Victoria b) Anne
c) Caroline d) None of these

14. Who has been called “The Sailor King”?
a) George 2 b) George 3
c) George 4 V

15. Queen Victoria was the daughter of:
a) Duke of Aquitaine b) Duke of Kent
c) Duke of Salisbury d) None of these

16. The number of children of Queen Victoria was:
a) 5 b) 7
c) 9 d) None of these

17. Crimean War took place from:
a) 1837-42 b) 1844-50
c) 1855-60 d) None of these

18. Durham Report came in
a) 1830 b) 1837
c) 1844 d) None of these

19. Charles Kingsley is the best known clerical writer on:
a) French Revolution b) Industrial Revolution
c) Glorious Revolution d) None of these

20. Oscar Wilde was a:
a) General b) Historian
c) Poet d) None of these

Q2. The Glorious Revolution of 1688 ushered in a new era of change, liberty and participation of the people in the decision making process, a view held by historians. Make a Critical evaluation of it.

Q3. What were the effects of the French Revolution on the Life, and Thought of 18th Century England?

Q4. How the American War of Independence affected the British Colonial System and to what extent it was responsible for the de-colonization process?

Q5. What were the positive and negative dimensions of the Industrial Revolution? What is your personal view that whether it was boon or bane for the common man?

Q6. Produce an analytical essay on Eastern Question and what was the British policy towards it?

Q7. What do you know about the Anglo-French War, 1793-1815 and its after effects?

Q8. Write analytically about the policy and personality of Queen Victoria.



Q1. Select the best option

1. Lord Salisbury remained Prime Minister:
a) Once b) Twice
c) Thrice d) None of these

2. The book titled “The Queen’s Prime Minister” has been written by:
a) Froude b) Churchill
c) Burkley d) None of these

3. The Boer War remained during:
a) 1892-95 b)1898-1906
c) 1899-1902 d) None of these

4. Who was the father of Utilitarian School of Thought?
a) Gibbons b) Disraeli
c) Gladstone d) None of these

5. Karl Marx died in:
a) London b) Moscow
c) Berlin d) None of these

6. “The National Guilds League” was founded in:
a) 1915 b) 1919
c) 1927 d) None of these

7. Which Parliamentary Act established the supremacy of House of Commons?
a) 1919 b) 1911
c) 1909 d) None of these

8. The Anglo-Japanese Alliance took place in:
a) 1909 b) 1902
c) 1905 d) None of these

9. Triple Entete member states were:
a) France Russia and England
b) Germany Austria and Italy
c) England USA and Spain
d) None of these

10. French Prime Minister during World War1 was:
a) Lloyd George b) Wilson
c) Orlando d) None of these

11. Treaty of Sevres was between the Allies and:
a) Turkey b) Japan
c) Italy d) None of these

12. The book titled “The League of Nations at Work” has been written by:
a) P.K Hitti b) P.J.N Baker
c) Rushbrook Williams d) None of these

13. George 5 was succeeded by:
a) George 6 b) Edward 4
c) Edward 8 d) None of these

14. Chamberlain and Lord Halifax peace mission in Jan, 1939 failed at:
a) Berlin b) Rome
c) Tokyo d) None of these

15. Who conquered Manchuria in 1931:
a) Italy b) Germany
c) England d) None of these

16. The Charter of United Nations was signed by England and its Allies in June 1945 at:
a) London b) San Francisco
c) Oxford d) None of these

17. Churchill became again the PM in 1951 at the age of:
a) 76 b) 60
c) 55 d) None of these

18. Harold Macmillan remained PM during:
a) 1957-63 b) 1963-67
c) 1974-81 d) None of these

19. In August 1979 who died in bomb blast
a) Rippon b) Mountbatten
c) Dilhouise d) None of these

20. The Falkland War between England and Argentine took place in
a) 1988 b) 1982
c) 1995 d) None of these


Q2. Produce an essay on the major developments leading towards the Crimean War and its after math with special reference to the role of Britain.

Q3. Compare and Contrast the policies and personalities of Gladstone and Disraeli as Prime Ministers.

Q4. Analyze the role of Great Britain in the 1st World War and during inter war period.

Q5. Critically evaluate the various Acts passed since 1867 to 1950 to strengthen the democratic institutions.

Q6. What do you know about the role of Great Britain during different phases of Cold War Era?

Q7. Elucidate the British de-colonization process in the different nooks and corners of the lobe with special reference to the case of Indo-Pakistan.

Q8. Write notes on any TWO (2) of the following:
a) Margaret Thatcher
b) Tony Blair
c) British policy and role in the War on Terror
d) Pak-UK ties.

....There u go guys...there were some changes in the pattern of the paper this yr...best of luck 4 2010!!

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