Tuesday, 27 August 2013



1. People, DONT ever go for an ordinary run of the mill topic that everyone will be writing on.. i mean, everyone will be attempting them, and the examiner will read the same things over and over again, so it wont get marks.. if u HAVE to attempt such an essay, BE DIFFERENT and original... Else, try to write an essay in which there is scope for writing intelligent stuff, and which not everyone will be attempting.. be ORIGINAL.... try AVOIDING patriotic, or controvertial issues!

Preparationn TIPS:
Go through everything, but remember, present it in a different, educated, intellectual way.. i mean, cite real life examples, give critical evaluations in view of data, and please DONT be rhetorical!!! trust me, the examiners know more than you, and they are NOT looking for static laborious answers. they want dynamic things...

At ALL times, KEEP YOUR COOL, think through the answers u write... please PLAN your answer before you write, that will help you stay within time limits..

2.  ALWAYS write something with which u are comfortable in a debate
Dont choose a topic just cos u think u can write 20 pages of boring stuff in it!!!

if ur able enough, try to opt for something thats a bit different but which u know something about...

THINK and PLAN out ur essay before you write, otherwise it doesNOT read though well.. infact, it should read through like an expert ice-skaters routine (as if ur water flowing through a stream).. no break ups, no ill placed thoughts, it HAS to be coherent and read as if one thought naturally gives birth to another... that is IMPERATIVE.. so i'd suggest rather than just scribble to save time, plan it out, that saves time in the end!

DONT WORRY.. relax.. its all a matter of nerves, and how well you can assimilate stuff u've been studying since u were in the 5th grade!
Its really the depth in your thoughts, how choherent they are, how well you place stuff, how thought flows from thought, and how well it reads through.

3. An essay can have many purposes, but the basic structure is the same no matter what. You may be writing an essay to argue for a particular point of view or to explain the steps necessary to complete a task.
Either way, your essay will have the same basic format.
If you follow a few simple steps, you will find that the essay almost writes itself. You will be responsible only for supplying ideas, which are the important part of the essay anyway.
Don't let the thought of putting pen to paper daunt you.

May God bless you!

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